Player Release Requirements
A player who is not playing for their home First Nation must obtain a signed player release from their First Nation using the Official LNHL Player Release Form (found on LNHL website). This release form may only be approved/authorized by the following individuals of the First Nation providing the release and only one signature is required. Please request a signature in the following order:
1) President of the Minor Hockey Committee/Association
2) In the absence of the above, the Manager of the LNHL team that has rights to the player and is willing to release the player; or
3) In the absence of the above, the Chief of the First Nation.
Any team manager that feels they may have territorial rights to a neighbouring First Nation’s player must notify the LNHL Executive ([email protected]) in writing no later than January 20th of the year in which the tournament is held. Every attempt will be made to settle all player disputes before January 30th of the year in which the tournament is held, and team managers will be notified of the decision of the LNHL Executive.